Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide activities for those 60 and older which are designed to overcome loneliness, combat boredom, enhance self-esteem, promote personal growth, and encourage independence through involvement in the community.
Congregate Meal
We serve a hot, nutritious meal to York County residents (Members) 60 or older. There is no charge for the meal but we do encourage donations. Sign-up for lunch two (2) days in advance.
General Information
We are open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30-1:30, Meals will be served in the center on Mondays, Tuesdays. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at- 11:30AM. If you wish, you may come in and pick up a To-Go meal (10:30-11:30 -until we are told to discontinue that). Volunteers will be needed to help, call for an application!
~Wellness Fair and Food Truck Event, Saturday, September 10, 2022
~ZOOK’S Chicken Pot Pie Sale! Come in and get an order form for yummy chicken, beef or sausage pot pies, apple dumplings and chow chow! Order forms are due (with payment) on Tuesday, September 5, 2022. We love them!
~Trip to Nashville on December 11-15 for Opryland Country Christmas, we have a waiting list, thank you!
During inclement weather, closings are posted on WGAL TV, Channel 8.
Closings for holidays are listed on our monthly calendar.